From the Therapist's Chair: Sheila Wessels on Child Parent Relationship Therapy

At Ensemble Therapy, we care deeply about the “why” behind our practice of counseling. We believe there is not a “one-size-fits-all” approach to counseling; each therapist views the counseling process and their clients through a unique lens formed from years of education and experience. This means that as a client, you can choose the counselor who is the best fit for you or your child. While this freedom to choose the best-fit may sound nice at first, it can be difficult to know how to choose when there seem to be so many ways to do therapy. Not only are there lots of theories on how to practice counseling, often the language behind counseling theories is difficult to understand and apply without any previous background knowledge.

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Making Time to Play: Connecting with Your Child During Covid and Beyond

As parents during a pandemic, we have been tasked with many new roles. We have been teachers, therapists, bakers, gardeners, tech support, and emotional regulators — and that was all before noon. This list doesn’t include what our “typical” role looked like before the pandemic all the while trying to make the safest decision for our kids that balances their social and emotional well-being. As we finally approach the end of the year, we may have begun establishing a rhythm, getting used to the “new normal” and finding things a little bit more familiar. And yet, the world around us continues to change, and we are constantly having to adapt along the way. Many of us are feeling exhausted, burnt out, and ready for a break. The skills and routines that were once more easily accessible for us have since been much harder to implement.

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