Cool As A Cucumber (Breathing)


Do you find that asking your child to take a deep breath only further aggravates them? Then this is the kit for you! Items in this kit require deep breathing in order for them to work.

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  • Encourage your child to blow on a pinwheel to notice that different ways of breathing: quick, slow, deep, and shallow affect how our minds and bodies feel.

  • Breathing patterns have a profound effect on general health and mental states.  By lightly pushing or pulling the hoberman sphere on opposite sides, you can make it expand and contract, accordion-style. The action helps kids see and synchronize their breath with movement. They can breathe in as they expand the sphere and contract it as they exhale.

  • The descending bubbles of the Bubbler have a soothing and mesmerizing effect that will keep your child entertained. Gravity will guide the colored droplets travel down at slow motion space. This liquid timer can aid visual tracking skills and have an appeasing effect. Never runs out of energy. Just flip over and start again.

  • Kids love the silky soft texture of these magical juggling scarves! A fabulous sensory fidget for wrapping up tiny treasures, hiding little hands/feet, or providing calming massaging input. Scarves also make a fun tool for developing eye-hand coordination, motor planning, and right-left awareness skills. Variety of colors available.

  • A fun way to teach your younger child how to calmly breath is the “bubble blowing” technique. The breathing required for blowing soap bubbles is the same as what is used for calm breathing. Simply make sure your child waits a second or two before blowing another bubble. Then practice “blowing bubbles” without a bubble wand.

  • Ask your child to choose one feather and hold it in her hand. Then ask her to take in a deep breath. To help her learn about deep breathing, ask her to put her hand on her abdomen and tell her that when she breathes in, her breath will push her hand upwards. Tell her to inhale for a count of four, then hold her breath for a count of four. Ask her to exhale slowly through the nose. Tell her that the feather should flutter as she breathes out. Repeat the exercise for five to 10 minutes or until your child feels relaxed. An alternative way to use feathers is to have your child pick a feather and place in on a flat surface (for example, a table). When she breathes out, the feather should move across the table. Straw optional but included.

  • Did you know you could use pom poms to help your child become more aware of their breath? Have your child hold the pom poms cupped in hands and blow them. They will automatically begin to take deeper breaths before blowing.  Once they develop breath awareness, introduce exhaling through the nose. You could introduce the word “Exhale” or simply say “Breathe out.” Straw optional but included.