Southern Equality

What Southern Equality is about

The Campaign for Southern Equality is working to build a South where LGBTQ+ people are equal in every part of life. A South where your zip code doesn’t determine your rights. Where all of us are free to be who we truly are and love who we truly love.

Their services include…

  • Funding and training grassroots organizers and activists to support a new generation of LBTQ leaders

  • Providing easy access to resources and direct services for LGBTQ folks in the South

  • Engaging in rapid response organizing in response to immediate political threats and building political power through long term strategies

How to Take Action

  1. Take the Pledge: Support LGBTQ Equality in the South

  2. Urge your Congress members to Support the Equality Act

  3. Volunteer with Southern Equality

  4. Donate to Southern Equality

  5. Register to Vote

  6. Get Involved by Joining a State Coalition

  7. Submit a Provider to their Trans in the South Guide

  8. Attend a Queer Artist Meetup with Southern Equality Studios


Girls Empowerment Network


Black Mamas ATX