The Fall of Freddie the Leaf by Leo Buscaglia

Appropriate Age Range: 4-8 years

What this book is all about:

This book is told from the perspective of a curious leaf, as he learns the cycle of life throughout the leaves changing around him.

Why you might want to read it:

The Fall of Freddy the Leaf discusses life, death, and change by using the different seasons in a gentle, nonreligious tone.

3 questions for you to ask your children after reading it:

  1. Freddy experiences the stages of life through the seasons. Which season do you feel you are in and why? Draw a picture of what you’ll look like in each season of life.

  2. Freddy is afraid of what is happening to the other leaves, what fears do you have in life?

  3. Tell about a time when you grieved someone in your life.


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