The Colors of Us by Karen Katz

Appropriate Age Range: 4-7 years

What this book is all about:

As Lena begins to paint a picture of herself using only the color brown, Lena's mom invites her to pause and join her mom on a walk through the neighborhood. During their walk, Lena learns about the many different shades of skin and reflects on the beautiful skin she sees on all people around her.

Why you might want to read it:

The Colors of Us provides a positive and affirming look at skin color.

4 questions for you to ask your children after reading it:

  1. Why does Lena's mother take her to so many places to see the people in the story?

  2. Why do you think Lena say "Look Mom, the colors of us"?

  3. Emphasize with your child how as humans are all alike and yet each unique; Ask, what makes you special? What makes your friends special?

  4. For expanded learning (questions from Haley O'Conner) have your child use different colors to make the shade of their skin and then explore with them further using the following questions. Did anyone use only white or only black paint? (No, everyone’s skin is made up of different shades.) What name would you give your skin? How should you treat people with the same colored skin as you? How should you treat people with different colored skin? Should friends look the same? Is it okay to play with people who look different than you?


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