The Alphabet War - A Story about Dyslexia by Dianne Robb

Appropriate Age Range: 5-8 years

What this book is all about:

In kindergarten, Adam had difficulty learning about letters because they kept flipping. In first grade, his struggles continued as he had trouble putting letters into words. That was the start of the Alphabet War!

Why you might want to read it:

"The Alphabet War" is a picture book that encourages children diagnosed with dyslexia. The main character, Adam, is diagnosed with dyslexia and has success with reading following intervention. **Note: Adam has negative feelings/experiences in school regarding his reading/writing ability.

3 questions for you to ask your children after reading it:

  1. Adam feels bad about his reading and writing abilities in the start of the book. Have you ever had difficulty learning something in school? How did you feel?

  2. This book follows Adam from kindergarten through fifth grade. In the book, Adam learns he has many strengths. What is a strength of yours?

  3. Why do you think the title is "The Alphabet War?"


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