Living with Mom and Living with Dad by Melanie Walsh

Appropriate Age Range: 3-7 years

What this book is all about:

The main character's parents don't live together anymore so she sometimes lives with her mom and sometimes lives with her dad. Her bedrooms look different and she sometimes does different things at each house, but she knows she is loved by both her mom and her dad.

Why you might want to read it:

This simple story is a good book for children who have experienced their parents separation or divorce through reassuring them that there is love in both places while also opening up discussion regarding any questions or feelings they may have.

3 questions for you to ask your children after reading it:

  1. The main character's life has changed in several ways since living with mom and living with dad, but some things have stayed the same. What are some ways your life has stayed the same/changed since you have two homes?

  2. The girl in the story shares a favorite toy that brings her comfort at both her mom's and her dad's, do you have a toy that brings you comfort? If not, what is something you would like to have at both houses?

  3. The girl in the story says when she is missing her mom or dad that calling helps, what is something you can do if you're missing your mom or dad?


The Family Book by Todd Parr


Mean Soup by Betsy Everitt