How to Raise a Feminist Son

Appropriate Age Range:

Adults and caregivers.

What this book is all about:

This book is one woman of color's journey to raise a respectful, feminist son. She shares her successes (and when she slips up) and her adults son's reflections of his upbringing.

Why you might want to read it:

You want to raise a boy who is aware of the privilege he carries in our society but also don't want to shame him or make him feel bad for who he is. You want to raise an ally... a feminist boy.

3 questions for you to ask yourself after reading it:

  1. How do I show my son what a strong woman/mother/wife looks like?

  2. Is my son exposed to other strong women or gender nonconforming people AND men who respect and honor the women around them?

  3. How do I respond when he witnesses (in person or through other media) chauvinism, misogyny, ignorance, or gender microaggressions?


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